Welcome to the Wonderful World of Me, Kaas!

I decided to start writing this book after taking notes throughout my life and so it will appear a lot of the time I am talking in the present, when what happened was really out of the statute of limitations so do not come after me, and I am lying anyway, you don’t have to believe this stuff.

My name is Kaas and I am a goblin who… Has to stab people to make a way in this society. I started very young, and will continue until I either die or retire rich. Probably the former, hopefully the latter.

These are mostly unorganised thoughts about how I wish I had lived in the world if I had fewer scruples and was able to steal things from people really. (I am a bumbling person and can barely walk straight!)

Now, as I started writing this, I am maybe 7 years old. I don’t count time like the rest of people, but there we go. I might also be 18? That seems more likely, but who knows best? Not me!

I decided to go on a trip to a card person’s house, and after that I kinda got stuck with/attached to some people and we went around doing stuff in various places in the world. At the start of this memoir..? (Is it a memoir now?) We had been to Absolom, Chelliax, some island in the ocean I had never heard of, and some other places that were equally weird. We had saved people from a theatre fire, freed some tengu from an oppressive regime, and even fought a big thing that I wouldn’t know how to describe.